Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Getting Jump Started!

Back at the beginning of the month, April 9th to be exact, I began my newest career as one of Premier Designs Jeweler. Something I am very excited about. 

April 9th kicked off the start, with my training show, where I was able to book 2 shows!
I am currently in my quick start! I have set some goals I would like to achieve by May 24th. Thats only a month away! Currently I have 3 shows booked, but my goal is to get 6 in before the 24th. It would really mean a lot to me if you could help me out!  Premier has an awesome hostess plan, if you are interested in hosting a show and want more info on Premiers awesome Hostess Plan, click here: http://www.premierdesigns.com/direct_sales_opportunity/hostessplan.php . I only need 3 more!
Be one of the next to book a show with me by mentioning my blog, and I will give you an extra $25 in free jewelry! Email me at: kailinadon@hotmail.com 
For information on Premier's Golden Guarantee, click here: http://www.premierdesigns.com/direct_sales_jewelry/jewelry.php
And to receive a catalog and order directly from me rather than hosting a show, leave me a comment or send me an email at: kailinadon@hotmail.com
My goal with Premier Designs is to earn money each month to bring in some extra income to pay off our debt. Back in February, I attended my first show, and knew that Premier was something I could believe in, love and share with all my friends!  The best part is how much I could expand my limited wardrobe just by adding some quality pieces of jewelry. I would love to help you do the same thing simply by adding some great necklaces, earrings, and/or bracelets!
I thank you all in advance for your support, prayers, and encouragement as I begin my career with Premier Designs!